Disinterested but not uninterested

An expert is asked to look with deeply experienced eyes at a scenario in which they have no personal interest. But  a good expert is not jaded. Every scenario is unique and fascinating.  A good expert serves the courts by appreciatively enquiring into the heart of the matter. From a psychological perspective, this is almost always an examination of the subject’s character, motives, reasoning, or capacity.  This ‘inside perspective’,  together with an assessment of ‘what it means’, provides a vital alternative dimension to the court’s deliberations.

Duty to the courts

An expert is also an observer  of the court process.  A professional participant who should not be a protagonist in the adversarial process: someone permitted exceptionally to contribute opinion into the courts’ deliberations (section 3, Civil Evidence Act, 1972).

This unique role provides the expert with a lateral view of justice as it is handed down.


I have been an expert witness for 20 years, and have written hundreds of reports for courts, tribunals, panels, private clients, and for assessment purposes.

My blogs are a way to share some of the unique ‘inside perspectives’ revealed through a minute examination of the circumstances  of children in need and at risk, and individuals court up (!) either in contention with the authorities or each other, or seeking to claim their human rights, or facing criminal proceedings.

Blog .

The need to touch and be touched is a universal need too often ignored by welfare services

If Matthew, a 59 year old man, has sexual contact with Rosie, a 25 year old woman with learning difficulties and a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome, a sexual assault has obviously been committed.  Hasn’t it? Matthew met Rosie’s at the home of an older woman with learning difficulties with whom he had had a relationship. …
